Saturday, September 29, 2012


Day 29  ~          LETTING IT GO       ~  Chapter 27  ~

As I write on this topic and realize that tomorrow is my final post of The 30 Day Writing Challenge, it seems quite fitting that the topic Letting it Go is about letting go.

Cecil talks about two different kinds of writers. Those who won't hold back their manuscripts, and those who won't let go of them. He says that the first group are those who have to send everything as soon as they hit the final period and that they are more resistant to help. In his opinion he feels that the more insecure they are, the more they will refuse to learn and grow. They will defend obvious mistakes or be unable to hear criticism. If this applies to you, that means you must be right when you discuss anything. He writes, "You can't face being wrong, and you rarely apologize."

Boy, all I can say is I have experienced that kind of personality in both my work place and in ministry. It's tough to deal with. The only way they will change is usually by circumstances, tough circumstances. The kind that will bring you to your knees circumstances! It reminds me of the old saying. Pride Goethe before folly. 

The second group Cecil mentions are the kind of writers who hold back their manuscripts and have problems releasing them. He says that this was the group that he is more like or at least the way he used to be. He writes, "I'm not a perfectionist, but it was painful to release an article or book. I would think, This could be better. However, I didn't know how to make it better."

As I read about the second group of writers I am reminded once again of another old saying. We change when the pain to change is less than the pain to stay the same!

I have to ask myself, where do I fit there a third kind of writer? I think I'm pretty teachable, at least I feel I have gotten more so as I have grown older. Perhaps it's because my pride wenteth because of my folly and I changed because the pain to change became less than the pain to stay the same!

Cecil shares that he is highly prolific. One reason is because he finally figured out how to say to himself, "This is the best I can do at this stage of my development." He goes on to say that he finally gave himself permission to let go.

Cecil advices if you're the kind who holds back, who wants to make it just a little better, take a risk. He says, "Let it go."

The Aphorism for this chapter is: "This is the best I can do at this stage of my development."

This is the final chapter of this wonderful book. Tomorrow I will share some final thoughts from Cecil Murphey. I will also be sharing with you what the next chapter of this journey in writing I'm on will be. 

Until tomorrow,
Bless you,

Aphorism #27:        "This is the best I can do
                            at this stage of my development."

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