Wednesday, September 19, 2012


~ Day 19 ~ DO YOU WANT TO SHATTER ~ Chapter 17 ~

                                         WRITER'S BLOCK?

So tell me, has this ever happened to you? Have you ever sat blank faced in front of you computer screen? Every writer, song writer and probably just about every student that has had to write an essay or a report has had some sort of writer's block. But, I think in this case Cecil is talking about something that lasts even longer than a few minutes, hours or even days. Perhaps weeks, months and in the extreme cases even years. 

Cecil says, " I've rarely met a writer who didn't speak about being unable to write at some point. In the years I've been in this profession, I've read an innumerable number of articles on how to break through the blockage, and many instruction books contain at least one chapter on the topic."

Cecil continues to write, "We call it writer's block, and it's usually defined as a temporary or chronic inability to type words that appear on the screen. Most of the books, articles, and blogs on writing view writer's block (WB) as an obstacle in the path of writing. Your role is to push the blockage off the road, jump over it, destroy it, or go around it. It becomes the enemy you must defeat, because it prevents your being productive."

Cecil goes on to give examples of methods that other writers use to overcome this obstacle. He also shares some different scenarios in how these are applied.

 Cecil has his own perspective and way of dealing with this issue that I think makes a lot of sense. He says, "But there's another way. Instead of seeing WB as an enemy or alien force, why not turn it around? Why not ask yourself, What can I learn from WB?
I'll go further: WB is your friend.
Focus on that thought and ask yourself:

* "What if WB is a symptom and not a cause?"

* "What if WB comes from some wise, inner part of myself that  
     wants to help me?"

* "What if battling WB is really fighting my deeper, inner self?"

"Because my book focuses on you, the inner writer, I won't offer eight exercises for you to use to overcome the terrible disease. What I will offer is my insight into affirming and accepting WB."

Cecil gives several helpful and insightful tips. Here are just a few that I have gleaned for this post.

First, "Consider WB as a powerful force to help you regulate the 
           creative process."

Second, "Think of your ability as a gift from God."

Third, "Consider the blockage as one that comes from within, not 
             an outer force that works against you."

 I wish I could post all of them but nothing can replace reading the book in its entirety.

Cecil's advice to us is, "The best way I know to avoid or overcome WB is to be kind and compassionate toward yourself." Cecil also shares, "My good writing develops inside my head long before it becomes words on my computer screen."

Clearly Cecil's advice is taking a negative situation such as WB and turning into a positive outcome. One that brings healing, release, and freedom to write once again. Surrounded in an atmosphere of  love and compassion, mercy and grace.

The Aphorism for this chapter is: "When I'm blocked, I listen quietly and compassionately. My deep, inner voice wants to tell me something-something I need to know."

Until Tomorrow,
Bless you,

Aphorism #17:      "When I'm blocked, I listen quietly
                                             and compassionately.
                              My deep, inner voice wants to tell me
                             something, something I need to know."

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