~ Day 5 ~ BEING TRUE TO YOURSELF ~ Chapter 3 ~
In this chapter Cecil jumps right into challenging me as a writer to really think about what I feel are core issues. These issues not only apply to writing, but they can also apply to life in general.
He starts off by saying, "What's wrong with being exactly who you are? Who says you have to morph into becoming someone else?"
He goes on to write, "Too many read books by experts who suggest you should become different or urge you to become different. The pundits probably don't say you should remake yourself to become successful, but their instructions imply you're not good enough as you are. If you heed their words, you may end up trying to be somebody you're not. To follow that advice not only weakens the power of your words, but the writing doesn't ring true because it no longer comes from deep within."
Wow, in my view those are power packed words by Cecil. Words that not only ring true when it applies to being a writer, but in living out the christian life or life in general. Everywhere you look these days there are self-help conferences, how to books, and programs on how to become a better you. All trying to teach you how to seek after your dreams or build your ministry.The list goes on and on. Although there is nothing wrong with wanting to improve oneself or follow your dreams the reality is most of us live rather simplistic or mundane lives. Some call us "the average Joe." That is where I believe I live most of the time. One foot in my hopes and dreams, but the other foot is planted in reality of everyday life. It's what keeps me grounded and not so heavenly minded I'm no earthly good !
Cecil delves a bit further on those issues as well."You can change," Cecil goes on to write, "and most of us can, but you don't change much. And who says you have to become different? Those who pound out the message that you must constantly push yourself to be better, stronger, wiser, or healthier often imply a subtle, negative message: "You're inferior, but I can help you improve."
Cecil says the primary reason he pushes being real is : Everything you write reveals something about who you are---even your attempts at self-concealment. He also says that our most honest writing become our best writing. After sharing a true story about a fellow writer Cecil writes" If there is one message I'd like writers to absorb, it's this: You are acceptable as you are."
There are many more golden nuggets of information and insight in not only this chapter but throughout Cecil's book. I encourage you to get a copy of the book yourself. I also want you to know that this is not a paid advertisement. I have nothing to gain from this in any way monetary wise but to simply be blessed; to be leaning and growing from Cecil's writing just like everyone else.
The Aphorism at the end of this chapter is." If you focus on being different, how can you be true to yourself ? And if you're not true to yourself, who are you?"
Until tomorrow,
Bless you,
#3 Aphorism: "If you focus on being different,
How can you be true to yourself?
And if you're not true to yourself,
Who are you?"
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